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Your donation to LARA is non-refundable and tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

We are a 501(c)3 organization federal tax ID Outmusic Inc. 76-0715576


Thank you for choosing to join and support LARA the LGBT Academy of Recording Arts, home to the OUTmusic Awards. Celebrate the soundtrack of the LGBT Equality movement by making your donation today.  It is important that LGBT people are included in entertainment and media history. The more LGBT people are known for their contirbutions, the more impact we can make in changing hearts and minds.


If you are a Recording Artist, Duo/Group, Creative Industry Professional or a Patron of the Arts that simply loves what we do, please join us today and spread the word! For 24 years, LARA has been dedicated to ensuring that LGBT cultural heritage is recognized and celebrated as an integral contribution to media, music & entertainment history.


Our goal is to build a stronger and more viable music & entertainment platform to expose underrepresented LGBT music and creative industry professionals to a broader audicene base to be celebrated in the media history. We work to create the change we want to see by being equally inclusive of our allies and friends who support Equality. 


In 2015, LARA will celebrate 25 years in existence. Unlike mainstream music award platforms, LARA is not traditionally funded, but we remain hopeful that one day that change will come. To ensure that we are able to build a stronger and more viable music & entertainment platfrom, we need capital to fund it. Here's where you come in to help us to make this possible. 


Increased membership support,will enable LARA to produce a state of the art production of the 9th OUTmusic Awards, launch and support the broadcasting of our new online TV channel, support our efforts to give music education to homeless and at risk youth, and commemorate our 25th Anniversary of LARA with the completion of our full length feature music documentary "For Which We Stand (One Queer Music Nation In The Visible)" directed by award winning director Sean Robinson.


Become A Member of LARA Today!


If you are a Recording Artist, Duo/Group or Creative Industry Professional please join us today and spread the word!

Support LARA: Become A MEMBER TODAY!


© 2016 OUTMUSIC Inc.

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